Saturday, 31 October 2009

My name.

In case you haven't figured it out already, my name is Abrar. And I'm a girl.
My name has caused me a lot of trouble, especially on the internet. Now, i bet, you're thinking something like:

'You're a girl? No, you can't be! Abrar is a guy's name.'

If i got a pound everytime someone said that to me, i would be a very rich woman. Yes, WOMAN. Ok, Abrar is a boy's name in Pakistani culture, but come on people, open your minds a little.

I'm ARAB. and in Arab culture, its a girl's name. SO, I'm a girl. Not a guy. Not a brother. A SISTER.

and no, i will not calm down. do you know why? because it happens all the time...and its kind of annoying.

so that's Ms Abrar. thank you.

Another thing: PRONUNCIATION.
seriously, my name has been pronounced in so many ways...some of them ridiculous. It's Abrar. you roll the 'r's. With an Arab accent :P
If you cant do that then at least TRY. but no, some people think its ok not to make any effort at all. They say stuff like:

'Abra' - WRONG. and it just sounds so lame as well. lol
'Ab-rar' - Don't be so jealous of my awesome arab-ness. pssht.
'Abrab' - no kidding. where the hell did the 'b' come from? Oh dear..
and a lot more...too many to list actually.

and in case you don't know what Abrar means, its a Quraanic name meaning pious and righteous, the people of Paradise.
So don't diss ;)

(yes, this is pathetic for a first post...but i kind of just woke up..I'm not feeling very creative yet)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sister Ms.Abrar :D

    Ok , I have to say that this is super funny !

    My name is Abrar too and I've got many troubles with it , but they are nothing like yours whatsoever :D

    However, people and 'I' luv my name . It's very soft and musical !
